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    2009/05/26 00:24
    References for:
    Top 10 Axanar Stories of 2017
    Axanar Response to Annual Report Analysis
    Annual Report
    Axanar's Chances on Appeal
    Axanar Assures Donors Lawyers Will Stay for Appeal
    Ares Digital 3.0b Drops into Public Beta
    Why Ares Digital 3.0, Two Months Late, Still Isn't Ready
    Ares Digital 3.0 Gets a Launch Timeline
    Axanar Scrambles to Ship Perks
    Peters Launches Patreon to Keep Georgia Studio Afloat
    Axanar Pulls Up Stakes for Move to Atlanta
    Axanar Aims for Winter Shoot, Comic-Con 2019 Premiere
    Website Sells Axanar Merchandise for Big Potential Profits
    AxaMonitor's Adventures at Axacon
    Peters to Open Axanar Finances to Limited Inspection
    Axanar Fan Convention Expected to Lose Money
    Why We Refused to Remove Redacted Axanar Financial Info
    Axanar App Removed from iTunes Store
    The State of Axanar
    Contradictions Arise in Patreon, OWC Studios' Sponsorship
    Denouncing Detractors Provokes Powerful Funding Feat
    New Timeline for Axanar Lite Premiere: Comic-Con 2020
    Opposing Bloggers Debate Impact and History of Axanar
    Debate Focuses on AxaMonitor as Cause for Trek Fans' Rift
    Axanar is Broke, Peters Claims
    Court Grants Studios' Request for Axanar Financials
    Axanar Tries to Rally Fan Films to Its Proposed Guidelines
    Axanar Indiegogo Details
    Axanar, Studios Settle Lawsuit
    Meet the Daily Blogger Critiquing Leaked 'Axanar' Script
    Axanar Trailer Removed After Criticism
    Axanar Accuses Horizon of Buying Views
    Axanar Continues Public Appeal for Donations
    Ares Studio Patreon a Bait-and-Switch?
    Suing Burnett Creates Battle Lines Among Axanar Loyalists
    Axanar Public Relations Director Resigns Amid Turmoil
    Peters' Bluster Brings $15,000 Legal Challenge
    For the Love of Spock: Let This be Their Last Battlefield
    Bloomberg Article Elides Important Axanar Facts
    Peters Threatens Legal Action Against 'Prelude' Blooper Reel
    The Case For and Against Dismissing the Tardigrades Suit
    Director Burnett Resigns from Axanar
    Burnett Attorney Demands Peters Refrain from Defamation
    Peters Proposes Settling with Former Axanar Director
    The Art and Science of Buying YouTube Views
    Axanar's Claims in New Captain's Logs
    Official Star Trek Fan Film Guidelines
    CBS Officials
    Change in Character
    Motion to Compel Discovery
    Copyright Infringement
    Fool Me Once, Shame on You
    Crowdfunding Platforms
    December 2017 Axanar Donor Update
    Harassment Accusations Against Axanar Critic Backfire
    Peters Claims Spurious Victory in Burnett Lawsuit
    Axanar Wants Summary Judgment, Says Studios ’Squashing Creativity’
    Direct Financial Benefit
    Court Orders Studios to Turn Over Documents
    Plaintiffs Oppose Dismissal Motion
    Defense Replies to Support Dismissal
    What's Behind All the Simultaneous ‘Prelude’ Tweets?
    Court Orders Peters Deposition, Other Plaintiff Requests
    Endgame II: The Settlement
    Judge Rules Documents Must be Filed Without Redaction
    Judge's Ruling on Evidence More Tentative Than Thought
    Axanar Seeks to Exclude Major Evidence, Witnesses
    Trial Balloon for Axanar Funding Fails to Fly
    Judge Denies Axanar Its Fair Use Defense
    Meet the Fan Editor Who Made 'Prelude: Redux'
    Examining Axanar's Claims About Infringement, Damages
    CBS Licenses Star Trek Fan Film Academy
    Axanar Supporters’ Report Critiques Fan Film Guidelines
    Peters Admits Ownership Interest in Georgia Coffeehouse
    Federation Falling?
    Financial Report Delay Shines Light on Management Issues
    What's Behind Resignation from Axanar Financial Review?
    Committee Reviews Only Part of Axanar's Finances
    What's Behind Fan Film ‘Gag Order’ at Star Trek Las Vegas?
    Gerrold Repudiates Axanar Slur
    Crowd Fund for Axanar Expenses Abruptly Ended
    ‘Prelude’ Director's Deposition Raises Big Issues
    Guidelines Aftermath
    The Public Interest Behind Private Guidelines Talks
    CBS Official Explains Fan Film Guidelines
    Skin in the Game
    Trial in Peters' Prop Sale, Defamation Lawsuit Set for 2020
    Why Star Trek–Horizon’s Success Matters
    'Axanar' Co-Writer Says Peters Lacked Producer Experience
    Axanar Co-Writer Announces Departure
    Peters Accused of Taking $94K from Enterprise Model Sale
    Axanar on List of 100 Cultural Moments of Past Decade
    AxaMonitor's Illustrated Guide to the Axanar Lawsuit
    The Incredible Shrinking Studio
    Axanar's Crowdfunding Effort to Save Studio Lacks a Crowd
    Twisted Path to Discover Axanar's Studio Ownership
    ‘Intrepid’ Suspends Production
    Investor Group Plans to Buy Axanar's Studio Assets
    Writer Paul Jenkins to the Rescue?
    Why the Danger Posed by Peters is Worth a Court Battle
    Discovery-Axanar Speculation Fuels Spurious Debate
    Trial Schedule
    Axanar Studio Crowdfunding Campaign Begins March 20
    New Court Filing Coming, Axanar Surrogate Says
    Judge Avoids Klingon Language Copyright Issue
    Knowing Infringement?
    Paying for Axanar Lite Delayed by Late Ares Digital
    Peters Falsely Accuses Guidelines Leaker
    Litigation Hold Served on AxaMonitor, Fan Film Factor
    The 'Locked' Axanar Screenplay: A Review
    Axanar's Abandoned Former Studio Continues to Flail
    Is Axanar Moving to a Smaller Warehouse or Not?
    Former Axanar Chief Technologist Deposed
    Former Axanar Officer Served with Subpoena
    Misinterpreting Patreon Data
    Plaintiffs: Peters Withheld Trove of Email
    Peters Prepares to Wage Legal War on More Critics
    AxaMonitor's New Fact-Checking System
    Peters' YouTube Partnership with Controversial GamerGater
    Axanar Launches New Fulfillment Platform
    Axanar Leasing Warehouse in Lawrenceville, Georgia
    AxaMonitor Newsletter
    Kickstarter Deletes Axanar Spam, Peters Suspends Refunds
    Axanar: Nonprofit No More; Short Films May ‘Take Years’
    Older News Items
    Older News Items 2
    Older Items 3
    Was Ex Parte Ruling an Axanar Victory?
    Contradictory Details Emerge in OWC Sponsorship
    Ares Studio Patreon Faces Crucible
    Axanar's Ares Studio Patreon Continues to Slide
    Marathon or Sprint? Examining the Ares Studio Patreon
    A Missed May Target, a Moving Patreon Goal Post
    Patreon Progress Slows Precipitously
    Has Ares Studios Passed Peak Patrons?
    What's Up With the Perks?
    Peters' Update on Shipping Axanar Perks
    Peters Admits Studio 'Not the Best Call'
    Hero Prop Makes Tactical Legal Move Against Alec Peters
    Peters Wades Into Salary, Profit Debate
    Attorney's 'Out of the Box' Effort to Settle Outrages Peters
    Peters: I Don't Own ‘My’ Prop and Costume Collection
    Axanar Aiming for Appeals Court Victory
    Peters Plans to Keep Finances Secret for Axanar Short Films
    Peters Sues Former Axanar Director in Georgia Court
    Plaintiffs Answer Counterclaim
    Axanar Removes Public Fundraising Plea — Sort of
    Podcast: Financial Audit, More Subpoenas
    Amid Pokey Patreon, Peters Concedes Loss of Warehouse
    Actors Cast Doubt on Axanar Threat Over Blooper Reel
    The Story Behind Prelude to Axanar's ‘47 Awards’
    Fan-Edit of 'Prelude' Eliminates Alec Peters
    New Version of 'Prelude' Redux Released
    Prelude to Axanar
    AxaMonitor Privacy & Cookie Policies
    Axanar Film Must Wait for Patches' Delivery to Donors
    Donors Complain Company Spammed Using Axanar List
    Axanar Aims to Reassure Donors About Perks, Lawsuit Prospects
    Planning for Worst in Patreon Effort to Save Axanar's Home
    Examining Reel Trek Claims by Peters
    Peters Foresaw Studio Failure, Created Georgia Company
    Former CTO Leaks ‘Fully Revised, Locked’ Axanar Script
    Lawyer Decries Defamation as Questions Multiply in Suit
    Where Do We Go From Here?
    The Legal Merits of Peters' Settlement Offer
    Axanar Settlement Talks Fizzle, Seeking Summary Judgment
    Not Much Progress Toward Settlement
    GoFundMe Seeks $25K for Seuss-Trek Mashup Defense
    Kickstarter Campaign Launches for Fan-Published ‘Discovery’ Book
    Star Wars Fan Film Makes Axanar-Like Kickstarter Appeal
    Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing?
    Bookseller Pulls Axanar Merchandise
    Loss of Warehouse Spurs Donations
    Why CBS Shut Down Fan-Made Enterprise-D 3-D Simulation
    Axanar's Frustrating Search for Space to Store Sets
    Axanar's View of the State of the Suit
    Filings Shine Light on Weaknesses of Axanar Defense
    Documents Reveal Axanar's Secret Corporate Structure
    Foundering Patreon Prompts Feel-good Coverage
    Alec Peters Strikes Deal with Studio Landlord, Moving Out
    Thin Financial Report and a New Crowdfund Campaign
    Peters' Personal Spending Spurs Axanar Accounting
    Judge Cancels Summary Judgment Hearing
    Plaintiffs Cite Peters' Shocking Personal Spending in Asking Judge for Summary Judgment
    Defense Gives Up on Disputed Star Trek Copyrights
    Former Axanar Director Won't Accept ‘Sweetheart Deal’
    The Shoe is on the Other Foot
    Tardigrades Case in Danger of Dismissal by Appeals Court
    Indie Gamemaker Sues 'Discovery' for Stealing His Ideas
    Tardigrades Copyright Lawsuit Gets off to Rocky Start
    Tardigrades Developer Raises Stakes in 'Discovery' Lawsuit
    Tardigrades Creator Appeals Star Trek Copyright Dismissal
    Desperate Plea for Help from Tardigrades Creator
    Tardigrades, CBS Attorneys Work Out Discovery Dispute
    CBS: Tardigrades Creator ‘Manufactured Similarities’
    Tardigrades Developer 'Devastated' by Discovery Copying
    Plaintiff: Discovery, Tardigrades Virtually Same Production
    CBS Attorney Slams Tardigrades' Lack of Legal Foundation
    CBS Asks Judge to Dismiss Copyright Case Against Discovery
    Judge Wants Evidence Discovery Creators Saw Game
    Copyright Lawsuit Names Discovery Writer as Possible Link
    After Trouble with CBS, 51-Minute Fan Film Sees Release
    Terry McIntosh Resigns
    The Wrap
    A Kids' Book for Understanding Axanar Finances, Indiegogo
    New Website Discloses Secret Axanar Documents
    Tony Todd Wants Axanar to Stop Using Him to Sell Merch
    Axanar, Crowdfunding Behind New CBS Moves Against Fan Films, Says 'Horizon' Creator
    Tony Todd
    November-December Top 10 Articles
    Peters Auctioning Off Canadian Trek Museum Holdings
    Questions Over Axanar-Backed Trek Museum Fundraiser
    Past, Present and Future in Axanar's Wake
    TrekZone Spotlight Interview
    Attorneys Focus on Axanar Jury Selection
    Peters Hedges His Bets on Ares Warehouse
    Which Kobayashi Maru?
    Winston & Strawn
    Studios, Axanar Release Trial's Witness List
    Peters' YouTube Retaliation Backfires Over Mignogna Scandal