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Top 10 Articles
SUSPICIOUS TWEETS sparked two of the Top 10 stories* read on AxaMonitor in the past month (August-September 2016), as upstart Star Trek–Horizon rapidly approached Prelude to Axanar‘s viewership. Plus, we finally got a little peek behind the scenes of CBS/Paramount’s copyright lawsuit against Axanar. Also: Our other site stats and Top 10 Tweets. The countdown »

10. Axanar Launches New Fulfillment Platform
9. Why Star Trek–Horizon’s Success Matters
8. Discovery-Axanar Speculation Fuels Spurious Debate
7. Axanar Supporters’ Report Critiques Fan Film Guidelines
6. Donors Complain Company Spammed Using Axanar List
5. Former Axanar Officer Served with Subpoena
4. Axanar Accuses Horizon of Buying Views
3. ‘Prelude’ Director's Deposition Postponed
2. Not Much Progress Toward Settlement
1. The 'Locked' Axanar Screenplay: A Review
* The list does not include the AxaMonitor home page and news digest, which is normally the most visited page on the site.
- READING TIME The No. 1 article, Jody Wheeler’s review of the August 2015 Axanar script famously called “locked” by Alec Peters, attracted an average view time of six minutes, two seconds. In short-attention-span Internet time, that’s miraculous! The second-longest view time this month was for Top Story No. 8, our analysis of the erroneous belief that Star Trek: Discovery lifted story concepts from Axanar, which logged an average of five minutes, 26 seconds.
- LAWSUIT NEWS remained popular, with stories on stalled settlement progress and AxaMonitor‘s exclusive coverage of Prelude director Christian Gossett’s subpoena and its clues about the plaintiff’s evolving case.
- The Next 10 Stories
Here are the next 10 most popular stories on AxaMonitor this past month:
11. Axanar Timeline
12. Axanar Myths
13. Axanar's Merchandise
14. Axanar (Film)
15. The Art and Science of Buying YouTube Views
16. Fan Film Guidelines Aftermath
17. July-August Top 10 Articles
18. Axanar is Broke, Peters Claims
19. What's Up With the Perks?
20. AxaMonitor's Frequently Asked Questions

The Dog Days
As we passed through the dog days of summer, AxaMonitor saw its readership growth slow down a bit. Since AxaMonitor launched in February, we’ve had 23,490 readers visit 50,682 times, reading 87,294 pages.
Biggest day this month: Tuesday, September 13, as word spread on the Web about Jody Wheeler’s review of what Alec Peters called the “locked” final script. AxaMonitor recently obtained a copy.
Top Tweets
With a Twitter audience in excess of 103,200 this past month these were @AxaMonitor‘s top posts:
@AxaMonitor Tweets
- August 31: An @reply: Axanar set 10 years earlier than the coming new series, Star Trek: Discovery.
- August 23: Star Trek–Horizon overtakes Prelude to Axanar in YouTube views.
- August 18: Our analysis: How Horizon threatens Axanar’s legitimacy.
- September 1: Congrats, Horizon. Finished August with 2.8 million views in just six months.
- August 19: Axanar director Burnett jokes about how Axanar has its own website — AxaMonitor, presumably — dedicated to monitoring it. We respond: True. Dedicated to covering the multimillion-dollar copyright infringement lawsuit Axanar faces.
- August 19: We ask Burnett on what basis Prelude is “the most successful Star Trek film ever”?
- September 13 Weren’t there supposed to be three Axanar teaser-trailers by now? Did I miss one, @BurnettRM?
- August 19:After boasting of Prelude being most successful Trek fan film, Burnett dodges a question about metrics.
- August 27: The flaws in the widespread theory Star Trek: Discovery is copying Axanar (itself being sued for copyright infringement).
Biggest Day

Biggest Day on Twitter this month, was our exclusive September 3 report of the subpoena served on former Axanar chief technologist, Terry McIntosh, with an audience of 9,167 (9% of total impressions for the month — nearly 3x the daily average).
Interestingly, this month the day with the biggest audience was overshadowed by a higher number of engagements (i.e., link clicks, retweets, likes and replies) on September 10, the day we tweeted about our coverage of Axanar selling its donor mailing list to a third party, which then spammed them with advertising.
Other Topics
Interested in other topics? Plug in your term of interest into our search box and see what AxaMonitor has to offer; use the sitemap in the navigation bar to see a full list of articles. Or browse through our new Primers — packages of stories we’ve assembled to come up to speed on Axanar and its lawsuit.
Finally, if there’s something you don’t see that you think we should cover, use the Feedback link in the navigation bar to let us know.