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HAPPIER DAYS Alec Peters and Axanar supporters tried to help this Canadian museum stay in business but it ultimately failed and closed in December 2018. Here’s a CBC story about the museum.
Image/Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

MAY 11, 2019 | 2 MIN READ

Canadian Trekcetera Museum Axanar Assisted Shuts Down, Peters Auctioning Off its Holdings

Subhed seems like the way to go on this road trip to the stars

Auctioning museum holdings. Axanar producer Alec Peters and his supporters led a successful crowdfunding effort to save the Trekcetera Museum in Canada, only to see the place shut down. But Peters gets to auction off the museum’s Star Trek and other holdings.

  • Auction this weekend. Peters says he’s heading to Canada to oversee the auction.
  • Vulcan. The museum tried to make a go of it by leaving its original home in Vulcan, Alberta in favor of the larger nearby town, Drumheller. Despite its popularity — making it into Travel Advisor’s top 10 museums in Canada — the museum never brought in enough revenue to restructure its debt in order stay open.
  • Rebranding rural communities. Trekcetera was part of an effort by many rural communities in North America to shift from an agricultural economy to one benefitting from the more lucrative tourist industry. Here’s an academic paper about the phenomenon.

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