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The cast of Prelude to Axanar.


Here are the Axanar cast members so far announced‭. ‬With the lawsuit pending‭, ‬no one’s status is confirmed‭. ‬Axanar producer‭ Alec Peters ‬announced the role of Captain Garth‭, ‬whom he portrayed in‭ Prelude to Axanar is being recast with a younger actor for‭ Axanar.1)

‬Role‭ ‬Actor‭ ‬Project‭ ‬Current Status‭
Commander Kharn Richard Hatch Prelude, Axanar Attached?
Admiral Ramirez Tony Todd Prelude Departed
Captain Alexander Kate Vernon Prelude Unsigned
Captain Travis J.G. Hertzler Prelude Unsigned
Ambassador Soval Gary Graham Prelude, Axanar Attached
Captain Garth Alec Peters Prelude Recast
Captain Garth Unknown Axanar Unsigned

‭On January 3‭, ‬2016‭, ‬Peters confirmed no actor had yet signed a final contract‭:‬

“‬First‭, ‬no one is signed to star in Axanar yet‭. ‬Deal memos will be going out this month as we move towards a February shoot‭.‬”

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