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Peters: Former Axanar Director Burnett Not Smart Enough to Accept His ‘Sweetheart Deal’

* Don’t owe a dime: Peters said he doubted Burnett was “smart enough to actually take the deal,” in which he said Burnett wouldn’t have to pay a dime.

  • A setup: As we reported this week, the sweetheart deal actually sets Burnett up for a followup suit in which he’d lose a major defense.
  • Almost no documentation backing up his claims was filed along with his legal complaint agains Burnett, especially proving his payments to Burnett were actually loans.
  • Suing a Californian in Georgia: Peters still hasn’t explained how he expects to bring suit in Georgia state court against Burnett, a California resident.

A reasonable offer: Peters confidently predicted a Georgia judge would award him attorneys fees and court costs, in addition to damages, “when he sees the case and how reasonable our settlement offer was.”


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