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spurring_donations [2019/02/11 16:34] – created Carlos Pedrazaspurring_donations [2019/02/11 17:23] – published; updated reading time Carlos Pedraza
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 +<fs smaller>Axanar moves for the second time in two years, again to an ever-smaller facility.</fs> <fs x-small>//Illustration based on image from Axanar Productions//</fs>
 +<fs x-small>FEBRUARY 11, 2019<wrap indent> | </wrap><wrap indent> 4 MIN READ</wrap></fs>
 ====== Loss of Warehouse Spurs Donations ====== ====== Loss of Warehouse Spurs Donations ======
 +**//Axanar moves for the second time in two years, again to an ever-smaller facility//**
-Axanar moves for the second time in two years, again to an ever-smaller facility.+===== Rise in Donations =====
 Daily Patreon signups climbed into double digits for the first time since January 23. The 11-donor uptick followed Axanar producer Alec Peters' acknowledgement he likely wasn't going to raise the $4,000 a month he needed to keep the 6,000 square foot warehouse that now houses Axanar. Daily Patreon signups climbed into double digits for the first time since January 23. The 11-donor uptick followed Axanar producer Alec Peters' acknowledgement he likely wasn't going to raise the $4,000 a month he needed to keep the 6,000 square foot warehouse that now houses Axanar.
-Monthly earnings rolled past $1,500 on Sunday, thanks to a single-day $72 boost from donors. That likely makes it possible for Peters to afford the new 3,000 square foot facility. He expects that to cost $2,500 per month.+{{page>subscribe}}
 +<WRAP center 90%>
 +<fs smaller>**//See also: [[incredible_shrinking_studio|The Incredible Shrinking Studio]] and [[pokey_patreon|Amid Pokey Patreon, Peters Concedes Loss of Warehouse]]//**</fs>
-The encouraging upswing, however, doesn't deviate much from the overall trend AxaMonitor's analysis pegs at monthly earnings of less than $2,500 by April 1, assuming nothing major happens in the funding effort. Axanar's move is scheduled May 1.+==== Topping $1,500 ====
-Why It Matters: We've seen all this happen beforethe last time Peters turned to Axanar fans to save building he could no longer afford. This timethough, he lost his corporate sponsorship for reasons he's had trouble explaining.+Monthly earnings rolled past $1,500 on Sunday, thanks to a single-day $72 boost from donors. That likely makes it possible for Peters to afford the new 3,000 square foot facilityHe expects that to cost $2,500 per month.
-In a 2017 Indiegogo campaign, Peters also announced he would instead use donations to move into a new, smaller warehouse. +The encouraging upswing, however, doesn't deviate much from the overall trend AxaMonitor's analysis pegs at monthly earnings of less than $2,500 by April 1, assuming nothing major happens in the funding effortAxanar's move is scheduled May 1.
-What happened the following day? Donations rose. Within days, however, the effort ground to a halt yet again. +
-Barely more than 300 supporters contributed to that Indiegogo. AxaMonitor's analysis projects around 250 Patreon donors expected by April 1+
-What does this bode for the future? Stay tuned. +
-Sputtering Support: Is this quote from then or now? You be the judge.+
-“Peters’ update did give a small jolt to the moribund campaign. A few days before, the campaign had literally ground to a halt.”+===== Why it Matters =====
 +We've seen all this happen before, the last time Peters turned to Axanar fans to save a building he could no longer afford. This time, though, he lost his corporate sponsorship for reasons he's had trouble explaining.
 +<WRAP 90% center>
 +  * In a 2017 Indiegogo campaign, Peters also announced he would instead use donations to move into a new, smaller warehouse.
 +  * What happened the following day? Donations rose. Within days, however, the effort ground to a halt yet again.
 +  * Barely more than 300 supporters contributed to that Indiegogo. AxaMonitor's analysis projects around 250 Patreon donors expected by April 1.
 +  * What does this bode for the future? Stay tuned.
 +[{{ ::lane_spikes-1.jpg?400|**SPURRING DONATIONS?** Axanar surrogate Jonathan Lane speculates about the effect of AxaMonitor's coverage on Patreon donations. <fs smaller>Click image to view full size. //Image/Facebook//</fs>}}]
 +===== Thanks =====
 +On Facebook, Axanar surrogate Jonathan Lane [[face>groups/258982371228800/permalink/591975234596177/|sarcastically thanked]] **AxaMonitor** for spurring donations after each of its recent articles:
 +> I would like to personally thank Carlos Pedraza for helping to increase donations to the Ares Studios Patreon by writing blogs pointing out how //slow// donations had gotten. We couldn't have done it without ya, Carlos! (Well, actually, yeah, we could have. But I still love it when the good guys win.) Remember, //you// can help make Carlos even //more// wrong by signing up to donate.(([[https://www.facebook.com/groups/258982371228800/permalink/591975234596177/|Jonathan Lane post]], The Real Truth About Axanar Facebook group, 2/11/19.))
 +[{{ ::projections_2-11.jpg?400|**THE NUMBERS** from the Patreon campaign tell the whole story behind its trouble achieving its $4,000 goal. <fs smaller>Click image to see chart full size.</fs>}}]
 +==== No Thanks ====
 +Pedraza replied that Lane was only looking at half the Patreon metrics:
 +> Indeed, your numbers continue to climb, and I clearly acknowledge that you're on track to raise quite a bit of money — just not enough to keep the current warehouse. By focusing solely on total dollars pledged, you're ignoring the other half of the story, which I show in this graph: The number of new donors and amount donated each day is very low, often flirting with zero. So far, even with what you call my remarkable assistance in spurring donations, giving remains right on track with what statistical analysis projects.(([[face>groups/258982371228800/permalink/591975234596177/?comment_id=592041057922928&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D|Carlos Pedraza comment to Jonathan Lane]], The Real Truth About Axanar Facebook group, 2/11/19.))
 +While Lane's post "certainly … rallies the troops (temporarily)," Pedraza replied, "if the success of your effort depends on … trying to prove me wrong, rather than on its own merits, you need to reevaluate the value proposition you're offering to your donors."(([[face>groups/258982371228800/permalink/591975234596177/?comment_id=592041057922928&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D|Carlos Pedraza comment to Jonathan Lane]], The Real Truth About Axanar Facebook group, 2/11/19.))
 +{{page>footer}} {{tag>Ares_Studios studio patreon crowdfunding Indiegogo Industry_Studios}}