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PROGRESS At press time, here’s how the Ares Studio Patreon was performing. Data/Patreon

FEBRUARY 15, 2019 | 3 MIN READ


Marathon or Sprint? Examining the Ares Studio Patreon

‘Patreon’s a marathon, not a sprint!’ Claim Axanar Supporters

Axanar supporters complain they are not happy with AxaMonitor‘s reporting about the progress of Axanar producer Alec Peters’ attempt via Patreon to get fans to pay the rent for his Georgia warehouse.

Criticizing Coverage

“Patreon’s a marathon, not a sprint!” they claim — the idea that examining a couple days’ data isn’t enough to fairly analyze how well the campaign is going.

Fair enough, so now that we have nearly a month’s worth of data, how well has AxaMonitor been reporting the Patreon’s progress?

PROJECTED DONATIONS on January 28 proved rosier than the data gathered by today. A take of nearly $2,000 was revised to about $1,600, where the campaign now stands.

‘Ares Studios is indeed running a marathon, not a sprint. But it doesn’t look like they’re winning it.’ — AxaMonitor editor Carlos Pedraza

AxaMonitor's Reporting

  • January 28: We report a disturbing trend — growth in patrons was heading in the wrong direction, sliding into single digits, while donation growth was flattening.
  • February 9: After the Patreon grinds to zero, we report sluggish growth isn’t likely to garner enough funds to keep the current warehouse. Peters announces he’s moving to a smaller facility.
  • February 11: Several encouraging upswings don’t really improve the trend line.

Marathon Data

CURRENT DATA shows no signs of any change in the trends, projecting the campaign’s take by April 1, just a month before the move, looks like it’ll hover around $2,500, about 63 percent of Peters’ $4,000 goal.

Marathon? While the data demonstrates Ares Studios is indeed running a marathon, it looks like isn’t going to win one.

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