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Court Orders New Peters Deposition, Grants Other Plaintiff Requests

Though he formally denied the plaintiffs’ emergency motion, federal magistrate Charles F. Eick nonetheless granted most of what CBS and Paramount wanted from Axanar, with discovery still due to end a few days hence.

DEVELOPING STORY This story will be updated throughout the day, and should be considered as a draft until this notice is removed.

The order, issued without oral hearings on October 31, 2016, required:

  • Axanar producer Alec Peters to submit to a second deposition.
  • Making Axanar’s financial information available for non-lawyers in the case to see and comment upon.
  • The defense to turn over a log of Peters’ communication with other lawyers prior to being served with the copyright infringement suit in December 2015.

Even so, Peters still considered the order a victory for the defense, tweeting:

Axanar wins another small legal battle as CBS/Paramount ex parte motion is DENIED

Meanwhile, on the same day Eick issued his order, he led settlement talks between the studios, Peters and their attorneys.

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