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timeline [2016/06/15 21:28] – [Significant Dates in Axanar History] adds June 15 answer Carlos Pedrazatimeline [2024/04/26 22:57] (current) – [Significant Dates in Axanar History] Corrected broken link to Axanar e-presscenter PDF by linking to archive.org Carlos Pedraza
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 <WRAP box round bggreen> <WRAP box round bggreen>
-{{::memory_alpha.png?nolink&75  |}}<wrap lo><wrap em>TIMELINE UPDATES</wrap> **May 272016** — Axanar fails to rally other productions behind its proposed fan film guidelines. || **May 23, 2016** — Axanar files lawsuit response and counterclaim against CBS/Paramount. || **May 20, 2016** — Axanar to get legal reprieve, thanks to J.J. Abrams and Justin Lin?</wrap>+{{::memory_alpha.png?nolink&75  |}}<wrap lo><wrap em>RECENT UPDATES</wrap> **January 202017** Axanar settles lawsuit with CBS/Paramount.</wrap>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ==== Significant Dates in Axanar History ==== ==== Significant Dates in Axanar History ====
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 --> c. 1990# --> c. 1990#
-[[Alec Peters]], inspired by the [[FASA]] Star Trek game, writes a story(([[http://axanar.e-presscenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/AXANAR-EPK-07-Jul-15.pdf|Axanar e-Press Center: Electronic Press Kit [PDF]]], p. 4, 7/15/15)) about Capt. [[mema>Garth of Izar]], a character in the Star Trek episode [[mema>Whom Gods Destroy|"Whom Gods Destroy"]] and the Battle of Axanar, part of the {!non-canon:not part of the established in-universe history of Star Trek}} Four Years War between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.+[[Alec Peters]], inspired by the [[FASA]] Star Trek game, writes a story(([[https://web.archive.org/web/20150813024046/http://axanar.e-presscenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/AXANAR-EPK-07-Jul-15.pdf|Now on archive.org: Axanar e-Press Center: Electronic Press Kit [PDF]]], p. 4, 7/15/15)) about Capt. [[mema>Garth of Izar]], a character in the Star Trek episode [[mema>Whom Gods Destroy|"Whom Gods Destroy"]] and the Battle of Axanar, part of the non-canon((i.e., not part of the established in-universe history of Star Trek)) Four Years War between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
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 --> July 10: 'Vulcan Scene' Released# --> July 10: 'Vulcan Scene' Released#
 A three-minute scene from the feature film, still titled //Star Trek: Axanar// at that point, featuring Vulcan Ambassador [[Soval]] ([[Gary Graham]]), is publicly released.(([[http://axanar.e-presscenter.com/2015/07/axanar-crowdfunding-campaign-goes-public/|Axanar e-press Center: Axanar Crowdfunding Campaign Goes Public]], 7/10/15.)) The scene is removed from public view in 2016 after the [[lawsuit]] is filed. A three-minute scene from the feature film, still titled //Star Trek: Axanar// at that point, featuring Vulcan Ambassador [[Soval]] ([[Gary Graham]]), is publicly released.(([[http://axanar.e-presscenter.com/2015/07/axanar-crowdfunding-campaign-goes-public/|Axanar e-press Center: Axanar Crowdfunding Campaign Goes Public]], 7/10/15.)) The scene is removed from public view in 2016 after the [[lawsuit]] is filed.
 +--> July 15: Annual Report "of Sorts" Released#
 +Producer [[Alec Peters]] publishes a blog titled "Axanar Annual Report" showing a $9,000+ deficit in producing [[Prelude to Axanar]] and outlining how money raised from its [[axanar_kickstarter_details|second Kickstarter]] campaign was to be spent. He calls Axanar a "fully professional production" in which full-time employees get salaries. Later, Axanar claims it [[http://axamonitor.com/doku.php?id=axanar_website_faq#history_of_axanar_productions|never had employees]]. Alec Peters goes on to release a [[annual_report|flawed "revised" version]] of the report five months later, on December 15, 2015.
 <-- <--
 --> July 31: 'Axanar' Indiegogo Campaign# --> July 31: 'Axanar' Indiegogo Campaign#
 The third crowdfunding campaign, now moved to to the [[crowdfunding platforms#Indiegogo]] platform reaches its initial $330,000 goal, just 20 days since the campaign launched.(([[http://axanar.e-presscenter.com/2015/07/axanar-hits-first-target-confirms-shooting-to-begin-early-2016/|Axanar e-Press Center: AXANAR Hits First Target, Confirms Shooting To Begin Early 2016]], 7/31/15.)) The third crowdfunding campaign, now moved to to the [[crowdfunding platforms#Indiegogo]] platform reaches its initial $330,000 goal, just 20 days since the campaign launched.(([[http://axanar.e-presscenter.com/2015/07/axanar-hits-first-target-confirms-shooting-to-begin-early-2016/|Axanar e-Press Center: AXANAR Hits First Target, Confirms Shooting To Begin Early 2016]], 7/31/15.))
 +--> August 6-9: 'Axanar' Producer Meets with CBS Officials#
 +//Axanar// producer [[Alec Peters]] meets with [[CBS Officials]] during the Star Trek Las Vegas event to seek parameters within which he can continue to operate Axanar. His version: They refused to tell me anything. Their version: We're not authorizing, sanctioning or licensing this project in any way. CBS goes on to issue a formal statement describing Axanar as a "professional commercial [venture] trading off our property rights."(([[http://www.thewrap.com/how-1-1-million-star-trek-fan-movie-has-escaped-studio-shutdown-so-far/|The Wrap, "How $1.1 Million ‘Star Trek’ Fan Movie Has Escaped Studio Shutdown (So Far)]], 8/25/15.))
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 --> August 11: 'Axanar' Indiegogo Campaign Extended# --> August 11: 'Axanar' Indiegogo Campaign Extended#
 [[crowdfunding platforms|Indiegogo]] moves Axanar to its "In Demand" category, which allows ongoing fundraising beyond the initial campaign. Producers raise their goal to $1.32 million to fund four episodes of //Axanar//, comprising the feature-length film.(([[https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axanar#/story|Indiegogo 'Axanar' Campaign page]], retrieved 2/29/16.)) [[crowdfunding platforms|Indiegogo]] moves Axanar to its "In Demand" category, which allows ongoing fundraising beyond the initial campaign. Producers raise their goal to $1.32 million to fund four episodes of //Axanar//, comprising the feature-length film.(([[https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axanar#/story|Indiegogo 'Axanar' Campaign page]], retrieved 2/29/16.))
 +--> August 25: CBS Hints at Legal Action#
 +Following a fruitless meeting between producer [[Alec Peters]] and two [[CBS officials]], the industry news site, The Wrap, asks of //Axanar//, "[Its] seven-figure bankroll raises questions about just how "fan" the project is and at what point it poses a threat to the authorized franchise." CBS issues this statement: \\ \\ “CBS has not authorized, sanctioned or licensed this project in any way, and <wrap hi>this has been communicated to those involved</wrap>. We continue to object to <wrap hi>professional commercial ventures</wrap> trading off our property rights and are <wrap hi>considering further options to protect these rights</wrap>.”(([[http://www.thewrap.com/how-1-1-million-star-trek-fan-movie-has-escaped-studio-shutdown-so-far/|The Wrap, "How $1.1 Million ‘Star Trek’ Fan Movie Has Escaped Studio Shutdown (So Far)]], 8/25/15.))
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 --> December 15: Axanar Annual Report Released# --> December 15: Axanar Annual Report Released#
-[[Axanar Productions]] releases to donors only a revised 23-page annual report outlining spending through July 31, 2015, from its two [[crowdfunding platforms|Kickstarter campaigns]].(([[http://www.axanarproductions.com/revised-axanar-annual-report-released/]], retrieved 3/2/16.)) Paramount and CBS file a [[lawsuit|copyright lawsuit]] two weeks later.+[[Axanar Productions]] releases to donors only a revised 23-page [[annual report]] outlining spending through July 31, 2015, from its two [[crowdfunding platforms|Kickstarter campaigns]].(([[http://www.axanarproductions.com/revised-axanar-annual-report-released/]], retrieved 3/2/16.)) Paramount and CBS file a [[lawsuit|copyright lawsuit]] two weeks later.
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 --> June 15: CBS, Paramount Answer Axanar Counterclaim# --> June 15: CBS, Paramount Answer Axanar Counterclaim#
 The plaintiffs file [[plaintiffs_answer|their Answer]] to Axanar's counterclaim. The plaintiffs file [[plaintiffs_answer|their Answer]] to Axanar's counterclaim.
 +--> June 16: Axanar Releases Teaser-Trailer#
 +In a [[https://www.buzzfeed.com/adambvary/star-trek-fandom|Buzzfeed article]] examining Axanar's role in 50 years of Star Trek fandom, the production releases the first of three [[https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedEntertainment/videos/1083699491675717/|teaser-trailers]] for the feature film. The 51-second video features only visual effects and a voiceover by actor J.G. Hertzler.
 +--> June 18: Axanar Releases, Later Pulls Full-Length Trailer#
 +After treating attendees at Denver Comic Con to a [[axanar_trailer|two-minute trailer]], Axanar had leaked copies taken down from YouTube and Facebook after the video was criticized for technical problems. The trailer appeared cobbled together from visual effects shots completed prior to the lawsuit, voiceovers and footage shot in October 2015 on the set of //Star Trek: New Voyages// that is not part of the actual film.
 +--> June 23: CBS, Paramount Issue Fan Film Guidelines#
 +CBS and Paramount Pictures reveal a set of [[cbs_guidelines|guidelines for fan films]] that would, among other provisions, preclude the use of any professionals and running times longer than 30 minutes, the long-form used by the major fan productions, including //Axanar//.
 +--> June 23: Axanar Release Second Teaser-Trailer#
 +Axanar releases its second short teaser-trailer on Space.com and YouTube.
 <-- <--
 --> July 22: 'Star Trek Beyond' premieres# --> July 22: 'Star Trek Beyond' premieres#
 //Star Trek Beyond//, the third of the J.J. Abrams-produced Star Trek feature films, directed by Justin Lin, opens nationwide. //Star Trek Beyond//, the third of the J.J. Abrams-produced Star Trek feature films, directed by Justin Lin, opens nationwide.
 +--> August 23: 'Prelude' overtaken by 'Star Trek–Horizon' #
 +Producer Alec Peters and director Robert Meyer Burnett had long touted //Prelude to Axanar// as the most successful Star Trek fan film — "by any metric," Burnett said. On this date, however, the feature-length //Star Trek–Horizon// [[horizon-matters|overtook Prelude]] in YouTube views. Meanwhile, Peters accuses //Horizon// of [[axanar-accusation|buying YouTube views]].
 <-- <--
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 --> 2017# --> 2017#
---> January: New 'Star Trek' Series Premieres+--> January 20Settlement Announced
-The new Star Trek series is due to premiere on CBS televisionthen move to the network's new streaming serviceCBS All Access.+Alec Peters reaches an [[axanar_settles|accord]] with CBS/Paramount that allows him to produce a 30-minute short film//Axanar//. He also admits overstepping boundaries regarding the studiosStar Trek copyrightand agrees to seek no further public funding to make //Axanar//. [[settlement_aftermath|Other obstacles]] remain, however.
 <-- <--
---> January 31Trial Begins+--> September 24'Star Trek: Discovery' Series Premieres
-A 10-15 day trial is scheduled to begin in Central California Federal District Court in Los Angeles before [[judge_r._gary_klausner|Judge RGary Klausner]].+The new series, //Star Trek: Discovery//, is due to premiere on CBS television, then move to the network's new streaming service, CBS All Access, to complete a 15-episode first season..
 <-- <--