**GARTH’S QUARTERS** get reconstructed in the warehouse Alec Peters calls Ares Studios. //Image/Ares Studios//
April 20, 2019 | 2 MIN READ
====== Peters Hedges His Bets on Ares Warehouse ======
**//Go or no go? Peters won’t commit to staying in current warehouse or moving to new facility// **
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In an interview published April 17 on the Fan Film Factor blog, Axanar producer Alec Peters said he’d won more time to decide whether to keep his current 6,000 square-foot facility or move to a cheaper warehouse, half as large, that he can afford with his current Patreon donations.
**//See also: [[patreon_crucible|Ares Studio Patreon Faces Crucible]]//**
===== More Time for Warehouse Plans =====
Peters said his landlord will let him stay until August before having to choose whether to move to the cheaper facility.
//**__« Will hundreds of donors still be giving us enough money each month to pay the rent? Or will we have to shut down and say good-bye to these beautiful sets? »__ **// //— Alec Peters, Axanar producer//
[{{ :alec_peters.jpg?150|**Alec Peters**}}]
==== Patreon Progress ====
**Halfway there**. Earlier this week, the Ares Studios Patreon passed the $2,000 a month milestone, putting Peters just over halfway to the $4,000 a month he needs donors to give him so he can remain in the larger facility.
**Donations are volatile**. Peters admits relying on fluctuating donations may not be the most reliable way to afford the $48,000 his facility will need to raise each year.
**Say goodbye? **He says, "Will hundreds of donors still be giving us enough money each month to pay the rent? Or will we have to shut down and say good-bye to these beautiful sets? … Each month we see a small dip when people receive their monthly invoice from Patreon and decide they no longer want to contribute. So far, those have been minor hiccups."
===== Hedging Set Questions =====
Meanwhile, Peters refused to commit to whether the reconstructed captain’s quarters set originally built for the doomed //Axanar// feature would ever appear in the long-delayed //Axanar// short films. {{:axamonitor-ico.gif?nolink|}}
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