{{:winston-strawn-offices.jpg|}} \\ Law offices of Axanar attorneys [[Winston & Strawn]]. ====== Other Attorneys ====== {{TOC}} {{page>understanding}} While no **other attorneys** have yet been announced for any of the‭ '[[Does|Doe]]' defendants‭, ‬who have yet to be named by the plaintiffs‭, ‬Axanar producer [[Alec Peters]] has hinted a second law firm may be joining the case‭.(([[http://1701news.com/node/1001/peters-axanar-quality-spurred-lawsuit.html|Peters: 'Axanar' Quality Spurred Lawsuit]])) However‭, ‬he has provided no details‭.‬ The‭ **‬Unanswered Questions‭** ‬section features opinion or informed speculation‭. ===== Unanswered Questions ===== ‬Who is the unnamed second legal team Peters says will be joining the case‭, ‬and to what ends‭?‬ [{{ ::federalcourt.jpg?250|**Federal Court**(([[https://flic.kr/p/83XWe7|Flickr: Used under Creative Commons license]].))}}] - **Representing Additional Defendants‭?** \\ ‬For Peters and‭ [[Axanar Productions]], securing legal representation is certainly newsworthy but raises still more questions than it answers‭. ‬For example‭, ‬potential conflicts of interest mean it's not likely‭ [[Winston & Strawn]] can represent the 20 [[Does]] cited in CBS' complaint‭, ‬so is this new legal team intended to represent those people‭ (‬yet to be named‭)? \\ \\ ‬If the answer is no‭, ‬or even just some‭, ‬then those additional defendants have been left by Peters to twist in the wind‭, ‬personally and financially liable for some measure of [[summary of the lawsuit#statutory damages|damages in the lawsuit]] ‬and open for CBS to co-opt to testify against Axanar‭. \\ \\ - **Another Legal Defense?** \\ ‬Another possible reason for bringing another legal team on board is that Axanar may be trying to set up another [[legal defense|defense]], ‬in addition to those [[ranahan_interview_1_27_16|mentioned so far]] by Winston‭ & ‬Strawn's‭ [[Erin Ranahan]]. ---- **Keywords** {{tag>lawsuit players defendants Does}}