====== Defense Replies to Support Dismissal ======
[{{ :ranahan_3.32.06_am.jpg?150|Axanar defense lawyer **Erin Ranahan** of Winston & Strawn.}}]
//See also: [[http://1701news.com/node/1160/axanar-wont-back-down-dismissal-motion.html|Axanar won't back down from dismissal motion]] (1701News)//
Axanar's defense attorney, [[Erin Ranahan]], filed a reply on April 25, 2016, to plaintiffs' opposition to her [[motion_to_dismiss|Motion to Dismiss]] or strike all or part of the amended legal complaint filed by [[CBS]] and [[Paramount Pictures]] against [[Alec Peters]] and [[Axanar Productions]].
The two sides are supposed to argue over the dismissal at what's likely to be an agenda-filled May 9 [[scheduling conference]], which may also include:
* Revelation of the as-yet-unnamed [[does|additional defendants]].
* A move to reconcile the two sides' [[discovery]] plans, which were to have been submitted April 18.
* Several alternative dispute resolutions as a means to avoid going to the time and expense of trial.
//**__‘Plaintiffs cannot simply rely on their boundless claims to an amorphous, extended Star Trek universe when pursuing claims against defendants in a narrow dispute. ’__**// — //Axanar attorney Erin Ranahan//
===== Reiteration =====
The 15-page document submitted by Axanar's legal team at [[Winston & Strawn]] essentially reiterated the defense's three major arguments for dismissing the case, with additional citation of case law intended to rebut the arguments from plaintiffs' lawyers at [[Loeb & Loeb]]:
* Plaintiffs' copyright claims are based on elements not protected by copyright law;
* Plaintiffs fail to sufficiently identify the works and copyrights that have allegedly been infringed; and/or
* Plaintiffs' requested relief is based on an unfinished //Axanar// film and is therefore premature.
**DOWNLOAD** the defense's replies: \\
* {{::paramount_pictures_corporation_v_axanar_productions_inc_et_al_cacdce-15-09938_0033.0.pdf|Reply to Opposition to dismissal motion}}.
* {{::paramount_pictures_corporation_v_axanar_productions_inc_et_al_cacdce-15-09938_0034.0.pdf|Reply to Opposition to request for judicial notice}}.
===== Request for Judicial Notice =====
Ranahan also submitted a five-page reply to plaintiffs' opposition to her Request for Judicial Notice, which consisted of definitions and information sources the defense wanted [[Judge R. Gary Klausner]] to accept so they wouldn't have to be argued before the court.
The plaintiffs' [[dismissal_opposition|opposition brief]] had argued against this request.{{:axamonitor-ico.gif?nolink|}}
**Keywords** {{tag>defense players plaintiffs lawsuit}}