{{::top_10_2017_graphic.jpg?nolink|}} ====== Top 10 Axanar Stories of 2017 ====== //**__ __**// **By [[user>cpedraza|Carlos Pedraza]]** The end of 2017 marked two years since the filing of CBS and Paramount's copyright infringement lawsuit against producer Alec Peters and his Axanar Productions. **AxaMonitor**'s year in review produced the **Top 10 Axanar Stories of 2017**. Read the [[text-top-10-2017|Text-only version]] for the visually impaired. Or download a PDF version ([[https://www.dropbox.com/s/oax4jramoo0eii5/Top%2010%20of%202017.pdf?dl=0|3.2MB]]). **CRITERIA** Choosing the year's top stories was a judgment call, based on an assessment of each story's effect on the aftermath of the settlement of the Axanar copyright infringement lawsuit. {{:axamonitor-ico.gif?nolink|}} //Click image to view full size.// {{:2017-1.jpg?direct|}} 1 | [[top_10_2017-2|2]] | [[top-10-2017-3|3]] | [[top_10_2017-4|4]] | [[top_10_2017-2|Next ยป]] COMMENTS \\ Discuss this article in [[face>groups/axamonitor/permalink/319736381874549/|AxaMonitor's Facebook group]]. ---- **Keywords** {{tag>news about}}